Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big fish, small fish. Small net, big net

At times I don't get the way some graphic things are done by the blokes at Jagex Towers. Or even the reasoning behind the how and why of certain things.

Fishing is one of those examples. When we start out we obviously start with a small fishing net. This net catches shrimp and ansjovis. A bit later on the level list there appears a big net. This one catches mackerel, cod and bas. Tasty, healthy and, as the level-logic dictates, the next step in the fishing (r)evolution. Were you to look at a picture of both the nets and the catch all makes perfect sense. The size of the catch increases with the size of the net (even though most fish are larger than their instrument of death).

But at 62 it goes haywire. At that point the small net is used to catch monkfish. Large critters they are too. Larger than the net even. So how does that work? Catching tasty, high healing fish with a net that is physically too small to even hold a mackerel.

Take a look at this picture. On the left the fish you can catch with the net next to it. Big monk, small net. Compare that to the fish caught with a big net next to it. All those fish fit their doom machine. So the question is: How do monkfish get themselves in such dire straits when all they need to do is swim a tad faster to avoid being caught?

Well, that is only the question for the day, should you know the answer, however far fetched it might sound, let us know.

With regards to the adventures of both accounts I did some questing. Even started ME2 on Gwalagwic. That, obviously, lead to some trouble. The maze has one big, big problem: Shadows. Praying against them obviously helps and thus they can be overcome. Not so with agility: Fall down and you get hit. Enough to hit a large dent in 61 hp (or 610 constitution points, if you preffer that). This means food to heal. But the inventory also needs to hold quantities of mirrors, a full mourners outfit, prayer poitions, the odd weapon, some armour should prayer run out. And that, dear readers, was just too much to deal with. So now Gwala is on a quest. Not a runescape quest but the quest for 70 agility. What I was trying to avoid has come true once again: At time some form of grinding is needed. I'm well on my way, 62 now, and Ape Atoll course is becoming somewhat bearable. From 53 I used the Wilderness course because the frustration of being attacked was way less than the amount of failure instilled.

Simple got her first level up since double xp weekend: 91 cook.

1 comment:

  1. Little is known about the monkfish, but I do believe it may have a taste for rope. This is enhanced by the lattice like makeup of the net. The reason it is so small is because the fish isn't actually caught in the net. Instead, it is lodged in the fish's throat and causes it to choke to death. The net is retrieved after it has been pulled to the shore.
