Friday, April 9, 2010

A wild goose chase

I guess you could say I am running around runescape like a headless chicken at the moment. Here I was, minding my own business in Tirannwn, happilly killing Elves since Chealdar ordered me to do so. I am one of the types that does what one is told. Number 31 of these warriors was so kind to drop a clue scroll. Since they are level 3 I just had to follow the trail that would lead to great treasure.

The first four steps in the trail went off without a hitch. The next one got me in a bit of bother, and the reason for the headless chicken part. You see, I have to access the Southern part of Karamja, and there is only one way to do that: Hack your way through the jungle separating the 'civilised' part from the legendary part.

Legendary part. For those who didn't get the refference: In order to gain access to said part of Karamja one has to start Legends. And that is where the trouble began.

In order to start a quest one has to meet the requirements of said quest. For legends that means a lot of skills in the 50's area and a few 'must have' quests to boot. Safe to say I do not meet those requirements. Not skill wise, nor quest wise. Hero's quest is one of the req's as is Shilo Village. And I didn't get around doing those 'till today. Hero's I hadn't done because of one big reason: One needs to have a buddy in the opposite gang from the Shield of Arrav quest. Since I am, by nature, somewhat shy to holler for help I haven't gotten around doing it. Now I had to. Charging glories always has been a simple task. Now, for the first time in ages, I looked at Simple's quest list, more specifically Shield of Arrav, and made an astounding discovery: She is in the opposite gang.

Worries over, I set out to collect a Feather, an Eal and a wrist band. The first two were no trouble at all. The third one only marginally harder, courtesy of a 6 year old laptop, not fit to handle the stream of bits and bytes that constitutes Runescape. In the end it was all ok, and I now am able to charge my own glories.

One quest out of the way and one more to go. Shilo Village.That one took a bit longer, much longer actually. When you do something from memory you tend to forget things. The first thing forgotten was a torch, needed to throw down a fissure. Ah well, a quick teleport to Ardougne, a brisk boat ride, a visit to the jungle shop close to Tai Bwo Wannai solved that problem. Notes gathered and back to Truffles... (I know, not his name but close enough) only to find I missed something: The gallows and the corpse hanging down from it. So back to Zahadum, collect corpse, and a visit to Truffles once again. After that Cairn Island and finally Shilo Village was another quest for the books.

So, quest worries over it was time to look at the skill requirements, 52 mining, 50 smithing and 50 crafting are the ones missing. Since I can change my gauntlets to benefit from smelting gold it would only take 523 ores-turned-into-bars to take care of the smithing level. Mining would only need  294 ores to get to 52. Crafting would need 800-something gold amulets to get to the desired level. So a shortcut was needed.

And I found one, two 10k lamps. That is why I am running around like Wyandotte Miracle Mike. I am doing people favours. Small Favours no less.

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